Just Breathe 101: Altered Breathing Patterns and Their Consequences. The Influence of the Thorax and Respiration on Spine Health and Trunk Stability. An Evidence-Based Practice solution.
The Thorax is a vital component of spinal function. It is the center of trunk rotation. It is important in transferring loads from the lower extremities and upper extremities through the various regions of the spine. The Thorax is a prime base for muscle and fascial connections that affect the cervical and lumbo/pelvic regions. Within the Thorax is the diaphragm. The diaphragm functions in posture and respiration. It’s intimate connections, muscularly and neurologically with the lumbar spine, abdominals and pelvic floor and its ability to maintain intra-abdominal pressure, are vital for spinal stability.
Dysfunction of the respiratory complex, trunk muscular imbalances, muscular inhibition and weakness, myofascial restrictions, loss of axial rotation and chronic hyperventilation, all have significant effects on posture, trunk stability, chronic pain, upper extremity and lower extremity function and motion.
Our patients must have a good foundation, good form, good function and ultimately fun. The emotional component of trunk health is very important in the overall function. This component will be dealt with in options available in our treatments for our patients.
Just Breathe 101 will be an adjunct for any spinal health and stabilization platform. It is vital that the thorax and diaphragm function be integrated into a functional spinal program for a successful outcome. It is imperative that normal breathing patterns are regained and maintained for spine health and overall patient well-being.
The following topics will be covered in detail.
- Biomechanics of the Thorax
- Physiology of Respiration
- Inner Core, global muscle and respiratory muscle anatomy and interaction will be described
- The effects of muscle shortening, muscle weakness, and myofascial restriction will be discussed and evaluated
- Pathology of dysfunctional respiration as it relates to chronic disorders such as low back pain, cervical pain, anxiety, chronic pain syndromes, poor load transference through the body
- Core training as it relates to the thorax and respiration
CEU’s 16.50 hours. Approved FPTA
What you should bring: Yoga mat or portable treatment table and wear exercise clothing and be prepared to exercise within your ability.
Format will be lecture/lab and informal
Who should attend?
Physical Therapists, Physical Therapy Assistants, Occupational Therapists, COTA, Chiropractor, Physician